Elasticsearch Index Blocks: A Deep Dive into Data Protection

Haydar Külekci
3 min readNov 16, 2023
Photo by Keith Johnston on Unsplash

Elasticsearch stands out in the tech world as a go-to distributed engine for searching and analyzing data, especially when dealing with logs, events, and comprehensive text searches. What sets it apart is how it lets you tweak access to its indices with various block options. This is handy for those in charge of tech projects — think admins and coders — who need to keep their data solid, manage resources, or stick to tight security rules.

Usually, we had to stop any tweaks to the index setup. The trick was to lean on Elasticsearch’s block settings and, more precisely, the blocks.metadata setting. Flipping this setting to true means no one can mess with the metadata of the index, whether it’s reading or writing.

Let’s say you’re handling a multi-tenant SaaS app, and each tenant gets their own index. You’ve already sorted out all these indices with their unique setups and mappings. Now, you want to ensure everything stays just as you set it across every tenant. That’s where the blocks.metadata setting comes into play. Here’s how you can use it:

PUT sample-01/_settings
"blocks.metadata": true

Why Use Index Blocks?

You might be wondering why someone would choose to use index blocks. Here are a few common reasons:

  1. Maintenance and Upgrades: When system maintenance or an upgrade happens, admins must lock down the data to keep everything consistent.
  2. Data Integrity: In cases where data must remain unchanged — think archived logs or historical records — write blocks come in handy.
  3. Resource Management: Sometimes, an index might be hogging too many resources. In such situations, admins might temporarily halt reading or writing to it.
  4. Security: For particularly sensitive data, read blocks are a great tool to prevent people who shouldn’t have access from getting in.

Now, you might be thinking, “What about using RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)?” That’s a valid point. Why not, indeed? You can dive deeper into that here: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/authorization.html.

Let’s Break Down the Different Types of Blocks

Elasticsearch comes with a range of block settings, each serving a specific purpose:

  1. blocks.read_only: This is like the master switch. It stops any reading of the index data and its metadata. It’s the go-to option when you need to make sure nothing in the index — neither data nor metadata — gets read.
  • blocks.read: True to its name; this setting stops all read operations.
  • blocks.write: This one’s all about stopping write operations. If you’ve got data in an index that should stay as is, this setting is your friend.
  • blocks.metadata: This blocks both reading and writing of metadata for the index. Metadata includes settings, mappings, and other configurations. By blocking metadata operations, you can ensure the index configuration remains unchanged.

Setting Up and Taking Down Blocks

Putting a block in place is pretty straightforward — use a PUT request as we saw in the previous example. When lifting that block, you only need to tweak the index settings, switching the block value to false. For example, if you want to get rid of a write block:

PUT sample-01/_settings
"index.blocks.write": false


Elasticsearch provides a solid set of key index block settings for managing access to indices. Getting in touch with these settings is vital, mainly if your goals include preserving data integrity, handling resources efficiently, or boosting security. Like any potent tool, it’s essential to use these settings wisely and clearly understand what they entail.

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Haydar Külekci

Elastic Certified Engineer - Open to new opportunities & seeking sponsorship for UK/Netherland relocation 🇳🇱🇬🇧 https://www.linkedin.com/in/hkulekci/